Index – Brand New VR Porn Headset from Valve!
More and more hardware (and, surprisingly, software, too!) producers like HTC, Samsung, Sony, Facebook, Google, etc. are finding interest in developing their own pair of VR goggles, and it was only a matter of time for one of the biggest gaming companies in the world, Valve, to create their very own VR headset suitable for the most demanding virtual reality experiences available at this very moment. Even though this company from Bellevue hitherto was working closely with HTC and thus promoting the HTC Vive VR display through their platform called Steam, it was only a matter of time for Valve Corporation to manufacture their very own solution - and it just has been officially teased only few days ago. According to the new subpage recently made available by Valve (you can check on it over here), the virtual reality machinery called Index will be the brand-new VR headset from the hands of these promising technology and software developers - and we can't wait to check the details of this new VR visor and we are obviously hyped about this incoming piece of Valve's technology. Why do we, VR Bangers - the professional producers of VR porn movies - even think about a solution that is developed by the gaming company? Well... [caption id="attachment_85664" align="aligncenter"] Leaked photos of Valve’s Index headset. | Image courtesy: 2flock[/caption] VR games are one of two most popular kinds of entertainment that people use in virtual reality (together with VR porn videos, obviously), but compared to virtual reality porn, they are much more demanding and requiring. Even though VR porn scenes are getting more and more advanced and good-looking - going as high as HD, 4K UHD and even 6K ultra high definition lately - to run them, your VR headset only needs to display the image that you are having fun with, and VR games are much more interactive than that and they instead need to analyze your real-life reactions. Taking that fact under consideration, it is clear that a device capable of running all the newest virtual reality games will be more than sufficient for VR porn videos in even the highest resolution currently displayable - and that is exactly why we are so happy about the tease of this brand new Valve's VR gear. [caption id="attachment_85666" align="aligncenter"]
Leaked photos of Valve’s Index headset. | Image courtesy: 2flock[/caption] What do we know about these at the moment? Not much... or actually pretty much nothing, excluding a few leaked photos that you can see inside of this article. What can we expect from these VR goggles? Well, a lot, obviously - with such a harsh competition and more and more companies introducing their high-tech standalone VR headsets, Valve will have to prepare something truly sophisticated to get the attention of the market on their product. Will they be successful with that? Well, let's wait and see for ourselves... More similar blogs can be found regularly on VR Bangers' main page over here, so make sure to visit both our website and our blog inside of it as much as possible - you should always have something interesting to read on out there!