Watching VR Porn at Work! Is That Possible

Most likely you had no idea that this is a thing, but yes - people actually watch some VR porn videos at work. Do you think that it's impossible to pull out? Would you like to try that yourself? You're wondering how to do that properly/safely? Read the article below, and you should learn all your answers in next couple of minutes. Are you ready? So let's begin with the basics and answer to the most essential question...

Do people even watch VR porn at work?

Man at work at office As mentioned above: yes they do! Most of them will never admit that they do, but some surveys taken some time ago give an unambiguous and clear answer: people do watch VR porn (or porn in general) in their work places. It sounds crazy to you? Then you should understand why do they do that, shouldn't you?

And why do they do that?

A man with headphones at a laptop Even though a lot of people got fired for doing that, it's still somewhat alluring and encouraging for them to keep doing that. This happens for a lot of reasons, but the main thing with it is, first of all, the fact that people often have no sense of privacy at home (because of wife, teen...) and choosing from two bad places, workplaces seem to allow for even a short moment of intimacy; secondly, this is due to the fact that many people do not have adequate computer equipment in their homes and work seems to be the only solution for them (and we all know how addictive can some immersive VR porn movies get); and thirdly, which is perhaps the most obvious of the reasons: some people just find it really sexy/exciting, and this is a kind of fetish for them.

Watching VR porn at work without getting caught. How?

Thoughtful guy If you're still reading this article, we had to interest you and it is very possible that you are wondering whether or not to try these experiences on your own. If you're willing to give it a try, then only one question remains: how do you watch VR porn videos without getting fired?

1. Connections with IT people

Befriend your local IT guy and make sure that he'll always cover your back. You can, in the post-gambit situation, ask him to cover your ass up and perhaps with his (or their) help, you could successfully keep on watching some VR porn videos at work without getting caught and/or fired.

2. Standalone VR headset is simply better

We know that these are way more expensive, however, regardless of that, they're incomparably better when it comes to watching VR porn films at work. In the end, you can always take them off your head and pretend you did nothing - and try to do that with all these cables and wires connected to your PC/laptop.

3. Incognito mode, if already

You're using your work computer anyway? Don't have any other choice? Use an incognito mode! This could save you from coming up with a whole lot of unnecessary excuses in the future.

4. Clearing browsing history is a must (a cautionary tale)

And if you did forget about the incognito mode, at least, please, clear your browsing history. Remember that even if you'll get caught, you can always lie about what you were doing - for example, you could always say that you were watching some work-related virtual reality contents - and with a "dirty" browser, you're literally fucked!

5. Headphones!!!

This is pretty much obvious, but yeah - always use your headphones. Maybe you won't hear when someone's coming, but your coworkers won't hear some wild moans and groans of your favorite VR porn star either - and this is much more important for you to keep your privacy! Did you like this VR porn related tech article? We've got a lot of other ones at our main page, over here - feel free to visit it anytime again!