Social Medias Most Often Used by VR Pornstars
Can any of us today live without social media channels? Sometimes it is actually hard to admit, but websites such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter are becoming more and more important parts of our lives and both young and old people seem to be increasingly addicted to them every day. Due to the fact that the VR porn movies industry is a market that is very much based on the interest (and satisfaction) of customers, professional VR porn producers - such as VR Bangers - and VR porn stars put a lot of work into the development of their social media channels - but which one of them is the most popular for this kind of adult entertainment? For us, producers of virtual reality porn, social media channels are business tools that we use day by day to gain new customers and expand the family of our dedicated members. VR porn stars participate in them to use their beauty and undeniable "assets" to get new viewers and attain a bigger fan base - which ultimately will bring them benefits in form of better contracts and more views on their VR porn productions. But why would you, one of our viewers, even care about such banal things as social medias when it comes to VR porn? First of all, thanks to knowing the most popular social media websites, channels and profiles, you can always be up to date with both your favorite professional VR porn stars and producers such as VR Bangers, whose virtual reality porn movies you like the most. Secondly, if you ever want to look at shapely boobs at work or in a place where VR porn sites have been blocked, you can always pay a visit to an open social network to get yourself in the right mood before watching the next VR porn scene after putting on a VR headset when already being at home. And thirdly... never too much looking at beautiful VR porn stars and their feminine shapes, right? Although, before discussing the virtual reality porn industry with its' most popular social media channels, let us talk about their general idea as business tools and their functionality within the internet activities of all kinds. And so...
But first... let's discuss social media channels in general
[caption id="attachment_82736" align="aligncenter"] Social media channels explained | Image courtesy: ThePixel[/caption] According to the 2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 92 percent of marketers believe social media is important to their business. Of those who have been using social media for at least 1 year, 67% found it useful for building a loyal fan base. This pretty much means, believe it or not, that social media channels that you use are not only for posting a newest photo of your sibling or that cute little kitten (or puppy) that you have just adopted, but they serve a huge role in the development of a major part of e-commerce and everyone operating within the internet sector of industry business. Above you can see a really funny infographic from ThePixel website, which is really straightforward attempt of explaining the social medias in general to a total newbie - although we believe that hardly any of you belong to such people, and we put it out there mainly to make you smile a little bit. Anyway, getting back to the business (literally), why are social media channels so important for making money and working with people?
Social media channels for business purposes?
[caption id="attachment_82738" align="aligncenter"] Choosing the right social media channel for your business | Image courtesy: ThePixel[/caption] With a whole lot of many different social media channels to choose from, the answer to this question is actually not that straightforward. Websites like YouTube and Facebook differ from each others in many different ways and thus they serve entirely different purposes - and not to mention "thematic" social medias like the LinkedIn (you can observe all of that on the infographic added above). Below we will go through each one of them and tell you a little something about their usage for VR porn, but at first let's just focus on their goal for business in general - ignore the fact that for now going through business reasons to VR porn might be a little vague for you, as we will get to that eventually. [caption id="attachment_82740" align="aligncenter"]
Best social media network for business in 2018 | Image courtesy: ThePixel[/caption] As you can see at the final infographic above, from 200 million to over 2 billion monthly users (and these are just the numbers from 2018, so the amount only keeps on growing) is one of the biggest reasons why would anybody care for social medias for his business. Even though some of these websites do not, unfortunately, accept porn at all (which is explained by us in details below), still professional VR porn stars and VR porn movies' producers like VR Bangers use them to tell their members about their new productions and initiatives - and even though we are not usually reaching to all these millions of billions of users, we are doing our best to grow our social media channels and get the most out of them. So now let's get the the point eventually...
Why would VR porn stars use any of those?
For money, fame, fortune... just like in that Elvis Presley's song - social media channels serve their purpose and beautiful VR porn stars are well aware of that and they do not hesitate to use them! More followers means more fans, more fans is a straight way to more views, and more views... is more money, more valuable contracts, awards and invitations, and more fame within the VR porn business - which is basically a point of being a professional VR porn star trying hard to get her name to the widest possible audience and to become as famous as it is only possible. Let's go through each one of these websites and, since they have so many different uses, discuss them all one by one in few words to finally bring you the answer to the question that we have asked in the topic (no, it wasn't a clickbait!), and give you the most that you can get out of social medias for #VRPorn.
Overview of social medias in #VRPorn
[caption id="attachment_82724" align="aligncenter"] Facebook logo | Image courtesy: Facebook[/caption] We all love it, we all post a shitload of photos with the use of it... but unfortunately, it does not really support any kinds of erotica and the Facebook regulations strictly forbid any contents with naked bodies or sexual elements. This pretty much means that even though this could be the biggest social media channel in the entire world, it does not really work for VR porn (or any adult materials to be honest), and you will barely find any naked girls when browsing your Facebook's wall on the toilet - and if you will, the user posting it will probably get banned in no time and your sexy boobies will be gone once and for all. All of that means that neither professional VR porn stars, nor producers like us use the Facebook for VR porn business purposes - it is such a shame and we keep on hoping that one day, limited or not, but we will be able to promote our virtual reality erotica and reach to even more horny people to familiarize them with the topic of our VR porn scenes.
[caption id="attachment_82744" align="aligncenter"] YouTube logo | Image courtesy: YouTube[/caption] Even though we have our YouTube channel, once again it can be barely used for VR porn movies themselves and the owners of the service (meaning Google, obviously) strictly forbidden any materials with extensively sexual undertones that could be dangerous to younger audiences using YouTube on daily basis. Going to YouTube profile of VR Bangers will only allow you to watch our last years' April Fools' prank, our interview with Fusion TV on how to shoot some professional VR porn movies in the highest possible quality, and the recent visit that Playboy TV has paid to us to watch how we work behind the scenes. As you may have probably guessed, other VR porn movies' producers and professional VR porn stars do not really participate in YouTube either, and we all do use slightly different methods to promote our free materials outside - e.g. on our Pornhub profile over here. You see, sometimes it is actually better to give out something for free (both for makers and performers), so no wonder that more and more premium creators share their contents on free tube channels like Pornhub - simply to gain an interest of bigger audience and to in effect bring more clients to their own services.
[caption id="attachment_82728" align="aligncenter"] Instagram logo | Image courtesy: Instagram[/caption] This is the first of super popular social media channels that you can actually use to fap - VR porn stars simply love to use Instagram to seduce their followers and fans with some private photo shoots and to make all these horny balls all blue before the release of their incoming VR porn scenes. Some time ago we have actually talked about the hottest Instagram profiles of VR porn performers that worked together with VR Bangers, so if you are interesting in viewing only the sexiest of those accounts and get straight to some pre-VR porn fapping with all of these beautiful sluts and whores, make sure to check on that article and take a look at all the profiles we have listed. Numbers on the Instagram may not be as stunning as they usually are on Facebook or YouTube, but the website does its' thing pretty damn well and without any limitation when it comes to nudity and obscenity whatsoever, and probably you have already had a whole lot of fun with all these female pages on Instagram in the past - just now, when knowing the best ones of them, don't start using these instead of our VR porn, haha!
[caption id="attachment_82742" align="aligncenter"] Twitter logo | Image courtesy: Twitter[/caption] Twitter is actually really interesting when it comes to VR porn - it somewhat lays halfway through between the Facebook and Instagram to be honest. How is that? Well, it does forbid nudity and adult contents like Instagram, so you can freely watch some sexy girls after going to their Twitter accounts - the only thing you have to do is to click that annoying "Yes, I am 18+. Let me watch all these boobies and pussies already, please." every single time - but it serves some informational issues mostly, just like the Facebook does. Yet again, we have actually listed the hottest ones of these Twitter profiles in our latest blog, so since we have done all the hard work for you already, you can now just simply go to it, read it, and browse through the sexiest of all Twitter whores straightaway. Oh, and you can always just pay a visit to our own Twitter account - this is actually our favorite social media channel and we use it a lot to share all the fresh news about our newest VR porn scenes, events and promotions going on the!
[caption id="attachment_82732" align="aligncenter"] Pinterest logo | Image courtesy: Pinterest[/caption] Pinterest... is just like Instagram, but it is WAY more hipster. Could it, in theory, serve a purpose for VR porn stars and producers like VR Bangers? Maybe. Does it work like that right now? Unfortunately not. It turns out that Instagram is way better for sharing photos - which actually comes from many different reasons. First of all: you do not need an account to browse IG, and you can remain anonymous while doing it, and Pinterest will keep on reminding you that you need a profile to watch all the photos. Secondly, Pinterest is more about sharing/selling some photos instead of using these 2D images to promote some other kinds of contents - and believe it or not, but VR porn scenes in form of a comic would not give you the biggest orgasm of your entire life. Thirdly and... well, the most importantly, you will faster find a "stop porn" profile (something like that REALLY exists) within the Pinterest, than some naked boobs and pussies - this is another service that has some rather harsh policies when it comes to nudity, obscenity and erotica, so with initiatives like #stopporn VR porn movies' performers and producers have nothing to look after inside of the website!
[caption id="attachment_82730" align="aligncenter"] LinkedIn logo | Image courtesy: LinkedIn[/caption] LinkedIn is an incredibly powerful tool when it comes to business in general, but no, it does not serve any purpose for VR porn business. Perhaps if you would like to hire a cameraman, a PR specialist or marketing manager for your virtual reality porn company, then going to the LinkedIn could be a good idea, but using it for looking for some horny VR porn stars is one of the worst things that you could do - literally typing "sexy boobs" in Goggle's image browser will give you a better outcome! We listed it over here as it is a meaningful social media website in general and it has been mentioned by ThePixel in their infographics - but no, once and for all, LinkedIn is not for VR porn and do not even think about it.
[caption id="attachment_82726" align="aligncenter"] Google+ logo | Image courtesy: Google+[/caption] Are you serious? Who the fuck uses Google+ in 2019?! It was probably the worst company's idea right after the Google Buzz and Google Wave in the past, haha! No, sorry, no VR porn at Google+, buddy. Just forget that we have even mentioned it at the first place. And yes, if someone told you that G+ is actually being shut down, he wasn't lying (just look here and read more about that if you are interested). Why bother with adding it in the first place? Well, once again: it has been mentioned in ThePixel infographics, so we had to AT LEST mention it, but with its' lifespan coming to an end, whether it would have been used for VR porn or not (and it has never been), it is not worth wasting our breath and we can just let it slowly but surely die. Oh, and it was also a perfect excuse for making a funny (at least according to us) joke about it, too!
Final conclusions
There is a whole lot of different social media channels to choose from and they all serve many different purposes. Perhaps you knew that, perhaps you did not, but they are all being used for business by many, many different companies - including those adult industry related, so a lot of them are taking a part in promoting the VR porn both by the producers and VR porn stars. The best conclusion out of this long-ish blog is that if you are interested in reaching for VR porn with use of social media, the best you can do is to watch some of the profiles of studios and performers on Twitter on Instagram - we promise that both our "he Hottest Twitter Accounts of VR Porn Stars!" and "The Sexiest Instagram Profiles of VR Porn Stars!" blog series will continue, and that we will keep on leading you to only the hottest, sluttiest, kinkiest and the sexiest of all social medias profiles known to man! More such super-interesting blogs, articles and a lot of different VR porn related content can be found with ease on at least few times a week, so make sure to check our main page regularly!