Virtual Reality Can Help Treat Social Anxiety? And What About VR Porn?

date_range March 01, 2023
Virtual Reality Can Help Treat Social Anxiety? And What About VR Porn?

Did you know that scientists are developing an app that will explore whether virtual reality can help with social anxiety therapy? Yes, that's right! Research on the use of virtual reality and its potential applications in clinical psychology or psychiatry has been going on for more than a dozen years, with increasingly good results. But what if it turned out that VR porn scenes could also be used for these purposes?

A Pioneering Approach to an Old Problem

Social anxiety is the fear of various social situations in which we primarily come into contact with other people. We are afraid of being judged by other people, which causes us to feel mental tension. This topic is as old as the world, but its study using virtual reality is a pioneering approach that is developing more and more with each passing day.

"We may also feel some physiological arousal, which is manifested, for example, by accelerated breathing or a trembling voice, or by the excessive activity we feel," the specialist explains. "However, the main manifestation of social anxiety is the fear of being judged in some way. What scares us is that this evaluation will be very unfavorable to us, making us feel bad."

And that's why the VR sex videos we mentioned could also help work on this problem because in them the aforementioned physiological arousal is something quite normal. Therefore, with the right approach to the subject, maintaining safety measures, and putting in place proper control and supervision, it may turn out that virtual reality porn experiences could help during therapy with people who are struggling with this affliction.

Will Virtual World Help?

Virtual reality is to become the solution that could help to tame such fears and anxieties. Using special VR goggles, in a computer-generated world, we can be exposed to situations that we find uncomfortable and fearful – though not only them. And that's why it may be that VR xxx movies could have therapeutic applications.

"We can then move around in the virtual world, look at different sides, move around, but also, importantly, we can interact with different elements that we can design in such an environment," the specialist explains. "Such objects can be both frightening and, for example, exciting, which, by evoking different stimuli for our bodies, can lead to appropriate conclusions and help in therapy."

And since "exciting" is definitely a feature that VR sex videos are famous for, hence our conclusions!

Virtual or Real – What's the Difference?

The use of the virtual world allows us to learn how to respond to situations that have the effect of raising social anxiety in a safe and controlled environment.

"It is worth noting that we use a special technique, which in psychology is called systematic desensitization. This is such a technique, which allows us to reduce nervous tension and anxiety levels due to contact with the stimulus that triggers it," the scientist explains. "Of course, a single such exposure is not enough. We need to perform a series of trials. Sometimes we need to practice anxiety repeatedly. This technique refers to so-called cognitive-behavioral therapy."

However, it should be remembered that in the case of patients who suffer from severe, serious mental disorders, caution should be exercised when using this method. It is for such people that solutions like VR porn movies could prove to be particularly effective, for they would pleasantly produce the same effect and would not cause a negative shock.